Car accidents can be frightening. Sustaining injuries in personal injury cases can leave you with physical, emotional, and financial burdens. At The Roach Law Firm, we understand the immense challenges you face after an accident. Our Lake Charles car accident lawyers want to get you the compensation necessary to put you on the path to recovery.
A car accident can result in property damage, injury, or death. These collisions may include cars, trucks, motorcycles, bicycles, and pedestrians. While many car crashes fall under the personal injury category, some do not.
Instances like fender benders, limited injuries, or minimal property damage may not be applicable. In cases like these, insurance policies may be able to cover the full cost of your losses, making a personal injury claim unnecessary, however, low-impact accidents in Lake Charles can sometimes cause a personal injury.
Personal injury claims compensate victims for damages from another party’s negligence. Unlike insurance claims, personal injury claims can provide compensation for non-economic damages, such as pain and suffering. The burden of proof in civil claims is lower than in criminal cases.
In these cases, proof beyond a reasonable doubt is not necessary. Instead, plaintiffs should prove the defendant’s liability with a preponderance of evidence, meaning it’s more likely than not to be true.
After a car accident, there are many steps you can take to keep yourself safe and set yourself up for success. Regardless of what you can do to prepare for your case, the first step after any accident should be seeking medical attention.
Many people can have difficulty assessing their injuries and often wait so long to get help that their health suffers. Regardless of the severity of your injuries, a medical evaluation can help provide necessary documents later in the legal process.
After seeking medical attention, or if you escape the accident without injuries, the following steps can help you with your case:
If you have suffered a serious injury in a car accident, you naturally wonder how to go about getting compensated as fully as possible. At The Roach Law Firm, we work hard to help clients attain the goal of fair, full compensation for:
Without covered medical expenses, you may feel your financial situation will never improve. From the initial ambulance ride to ongoing doctor appointments, costs can add up quickly after an accident. To seek what you deserve, we can factor in the immediate costs and future medical needs.
When injuries prevent you from working, we can fight to recover lost wages, including your salary, bonuses, commissions, or any other form of income. If your injury becomes a permanent disability, we can gather pay stubs, tax returns, and verification letters to pursue compensation equivalent to your loss of future earning potential.
Non-economic damages like physical pain are also worthy of compensation. We can work with medical professionals to document the severity and duration of your pain, ongoing pain management needs, and possible emotional trauma. We can use this information to pursue fitting compensation.
We can meticulously document other related losses and expenses from your accident, like childcare costs, home modifications, transportation reimbursement, in-home care services, and car repairs. Accidents often result in unexpected expenses, and we can seek compensation for each one.
A first step toward building a strong case for compensation from negligent parties and/or insurers is to investigate the accident. A detailed, thorough investigation will help pinpoint the cause and clarify who was at fault in a car wreck such as a:
Our investigators can examine the damages to both vehicles to look for signs of distracted driving, sudden braking, or tailgating. We can gather witness statements, camera footage, and police reports to reconstruct the events leading to the collision.
Head-on collisions often happen due to factors like driving under the influence, drifting into oncoming traffic, mechanical failures, or drowsy driving. Our team can determine the cause from skid marks, debris patterns, and vehicle malfunctions.
Failing to yield the right of way, performing unsafe lane changes, and neglecting blind spots can cause sideswipe accidents. The Roach Law Firm can seek compensation after analyzing matters like the impact on both vehicles and witness interviews.
Intersection accidents, often called T-bone accidents, can happen when drivers’ views are obscured. They can also occur when drivers violate traffic signals or misjudge red light intervals. Our team can use methods such as securing traffic light data or examining malfunctioning signals to find the accident’s cause.
Rollovers can occur due to many factors, but they commonly occur when drivers speed or perform aggressive maneuvers. Examining the accident scene, witness statements, and vehicle black box data can uncover the cause of the rollover.
In DUI driving accidents, we can work with law enforcement to obtain DUI report information, witness statements, and available blood alcohol content (BAC) test results.
Fatal car accidents are tragic events. We conduct our investigation with compassion for the victim and their family. We can gather evidence, including witness statements, accident photos, and police reports.
Fault — negligence — often points the way to the proper source of compensation for the injured. Was another driver texting while driving or impaired by alcohol? Was a driver inattentive or careless? A careful review of police reports, eyewitness testimony and other forms of evidence can document fault and negligence. Then, an injured person can make an effective claim or file a lawsuit against that negligent party.
A second, equally important phase of a car accident case is to gain an understanding of the full extent of the injuries. Doctors’ reports, family members’ testimony and logs kept by injury victims can provide a good prognosis for how the injured will be affected by:
The Roach Law Firm has a great deal of experience handling car accident claims for residents of Calcasieu Parish, Jefferson Davis Parish and surrounding areas. We can help you claim the compensation you are eligible for after a motor vehicle accident such as a car, truck, or motorcycle accident.
Car accidents can occur due to many factors, but driver negligence is common. With people seemingly becoming more glued to their phones or other distractions, cautious drivers can seem hard to find. Even if unintentional, several negligent behaviors can cause car accidents. It is essential to understand these possible causes so you can avoid making these mistakes. These potential causes include:
Constant text messages, emails, phone calls, and incoming GPS directions while driving can be incredibly distracting. Giving these elements attention increases the risk of car accidents. In your case, we can explore whether the other driver engaged in any distracting activities before the collision.
While driving under the influence is a serious crime, many take the decision anyway. This inconsiderate action can put other people’s lives at extreme risk. We can strive to uncover whether your accident happened due to a drunk driver. Our team can work with law enforcement to obtain DUI reports, witness statements regarding driver behavior, and possible BAC test results.
Sometimes, it can seem like speed limit signs serve little purpose. You may find many drivers speeding excessively and endangering others with their actions. Speeding is a contributing factor in numerous car accidents. We have experience building your case with evidence like skid marks and posted signage to determine whether the driver who injured you was speeding.
Drivers who perform reckless behaviors, such as aggressive lane changes, tailgating, or failing to yield, disregard the safety of others. When drivers injure someone as a result of their recklessness, there should be consequences. If a reckless driver injures you, our team can seek compensation on your behalf.
Many people do not know they are too sleepy to drive until it is too late. Operating a vehicle while tired can be as dangerous as driving while intoxicated or under the influence.
At The Roach Law Firm, we believe that gathering evidence for a strong case is essential. With persuasive proof, we can establish apparent fault and maximize your compensation. Our approach to gathering evidence for your car accident case involves the following:
As soon as we start on your case, we can request a copy of the official police report. This document should contain valuable details, including officers’ observations of the accident scene, documented witness statements, and preliminary findings regarding the accident’s cause. Having the police report allows us to review the officer’s initial assessments to identify other areas where further investigation may be necessary.
Our experienced attorney can work to find potential witnesses who may have seen the entire accident unfold. Witness accounts of your accident can be crucial in establishing fault. These statements can also provide us with a sequence of events.
We can conduct interviews to understand the traffic signals during the accident, the speed and position of the vehicles involved, and any careless choices that may have contributed to the collision.
We can explore all avenues to gather relevant footage when accidents happen near traffic cameras. This video evidence can provide valuable insights into actions taken by all parties. If any doubt exists as to what took place, traffic camera footage can help piece different parts together. This footage can also establish the accident’s timing and whether any traffic violations occurred.
Many modern vehicles have data recorders known as black boxes. These recorders can capture information that witnesses, injured parties, and law enforcement cannot reliably know, such as vehicle speed, braking activity, and other vehicle functions. Our team can analyze the data from all involved vehicles to provide any necessary evidence of contributing factors or violations.
After an accident, gathering evidence and finding the cause can be important, but when you seek compensation, you need more documentation. Assessing your injuries and the long-term impact on your life is an essential phase of the legal process because these elements can determine how much you can hope to seek from your case.
Our team recognizes the effects the aftermath of a car accident can have on your life. While we cannot undo your accident, we can seek compensation to help you recover. We can work closely with you and medical professionals to evaluate your injuries and provide concrete documentation of how they impact your life.
We can compile estimates from various sources to ensure you receive an amount covering the full extent of your injuries.
Detailed medical records from doctors, other medical professionals, and medical facilities can be crucial to understanding the financial impact of your accident. We should have documentation of your injuries, treatment plan data, and any ongoing medical needs. If so, we can have a strong case when estimating your needs to an insurance provider or a court.
Your hospital bills can provide an easy-to-assess account of items for which you should receive compensation. Knowing how much your injuries have affected your life financially is vital in car accident cases.
Our team has experience securing medical professional opinions when necessary. In complex injury claims, consulting with these individuals can provide invaluable insights into the severity of your injuries, how long it can take to recover, and possible long-term effects on your quality of life.
Family member testimonies can be crucial in presenting how your life has changed since the car accident. Suppose you have limitations with mobility, daily tasks, or working. In that case, your family may know crucial details to show your accident’s impact on your physical, mental, emotional, and psychological well-being.
Keeping a personal pain journal can be a powerful tool to display the aftermath of your car accident. With this documentation, you can track your pain’s location, intensity, and frequency. This tracking can be essential evidence in a personal injury claim.
When you have been injured in a major car accident due to someone else’s negligence, you may not be sure where to turn. Addressing legal concerns is difficult when you are trying to recover from serious injuries.
At The Roach Law Firm, we have provided trusted legal advocacy in southwest Louisiana for more than 60 years. Below are answers to some of the questions we hear most frequently from our clients who were injured in a car accident. To get answers to more specific questions about your accident, reach out online or call our Lake Charles office at 337-433-8504.
Ans: Seeking legal guidance after a motor vehicle accident in Louisiana is crucial for several reasons:
An experienced attorney can advocate for your rights and fight for the compensation you deserve.
Ans: In Louisiana, you are broadly entitled to both economic damages and noneconomic damages after a car accident. Economic damages include things like the value of the car replacement or repairs, medical expenses and lost wages. Noneconomic damages include things like your pain and suffering. For car accidents involving drugs or alcohol, you may be entitled to punitive damages, which are meant to punish the other driver for their actions.
Ans: Fault in Louisiana car accidents is determined by a legal principle called “pure comparative fault,” where each party involved is assigned a percentage of fault based on their contribution to the accident.
Ans: Typically, car accident lawyers work on a contingency fee basis in Louisiana. This means that they only get paid if they successfully recover compensation for you. This arrangement allows accident victims to access legal representation without having to pay any upfront fees.
Ans: Generally speaking, if an insurance company is in a hurry to settle, you are probably due much more than they want to give. Once you sign a release, you cannot revisit your claim.
Ans: In Louisiana’s statute of limitations for personal injury claims was extended from one year to two years for injuries occurring on or after July 1, 2024, as per Act No. 423 (HB 315). This change is codified in Louisiana Civil Code Article 3493.11, which states:
“Delictual actions are subject to a liberative prescription of two years. This prescription commences to run from the day injury or damage is sustained.”
For authoritative information, you can refer to the Louisiana State Legislature’s website or consult the Louisiana Civil Code.
Ans: After a car accident in Louisiana, you should take legal action as soon as possible. The statute of limitations can change depending on when you discover your injury, but it is vital to contact an attorney immediately. There is no benefit from hesitating; waiting only increases the chances of running out of time.
The roads present consistent danger for Louisiana motorists. At The Roach Law Firm, we have a long legacy of helping individuals and their family members following a life-altering auto accident. Since 1959, we have provided high-quality legal counsel to the people of Southwest Louisiana.
Our attorneys have a strong positive reputation in the community. We care about helping your family as deeply as we care about ours. When you need skilled lawyers who are also personable, friendly and invested in your well-being, we are ready to serve you.
With decades in practice, our firm has represented clients in Calcasieu Parish, Jefferson Davis Parish and the surrounding region with just about every variety of motor vehicle accident imaginable. We handle cases including:
Our personal injury attorneys guide you personally through every step of your claim, explaining the complex legal processes and ensuring you understand your rights. If needed, we will pursue your claim through a lawsuit; we do not fear litigation. We prioritize getting fair compensation for your damages so you have enough to pay your bills and get back on your feet.
The Roach Law Firm has made a name for itself in the Lake Charles region since 1959. Our lawyers can evaluate your Louisiana legal issue with no further obligation. To schedule a free consultation, call 337-433-8504 or email us. Our personal injury attorneys are prepared to advocate zealously on your behalf.